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Новая версия Invision Community - 4.7.

Русский язык для Invision Community 4.7

Новое в версии 4.7.20



This is our January maintenance release.

Key changes include:

  • Added Bluesky embedding and share links.

  • Added Postmark integration.

  • Downloads: Added permissions to custom fields.

  • Backblaze B2 support.


  • Added support for Bluesky post embedding.

  • Added Bluesky & TikTok Social Profile theme links.

  • Added Bluesky content sharer.

  • Added support for Postmark email handling.

  • Added a security protection to prevent malicious actors from exploiting the Service Worker.

  • Fixed X sign-in button colors.

  • Fixed a niche issue where template caching can throw an error.

  • Fixed an issue with password fields where the advice popup may be duplicated.

  • Fixed an issue where unread items can appear as read in the notifications list.

  • Fixed the wrong string length check in the quick title edit feature.

  • Fixed an issue where the report type field would appear even if there was only 1 report type.

  • Fixed an issue where AdminCP search would search too often, now waits for you to stop typing.

  • Fixed an issue where registrations could be broken if the geolocation check failed.

  • Fixed an issue where editing the title via AJAX wouldn't update the search index.

  • Fixed the missing language string in the confirmation dialog when a report was rejected or completed.

  • Fixed an issue sending mail via SMTP.

  • Fixed SMTP emails sending the wrong hostname for EHLO/HELO commands.

  • Fixed an issue where Club Activity was displaying incorrect data.

  • Fixed the v5 preparation check to take only QA forums into account, instead of QA forums and also the solved topics setting.

  • Fixed an issue where Club Activity was displaying incorrect data.

  • Fixed an issue where Club Activity was not including Pages Categories in Clubs.

  • Fixed an exception with Content Widgets when using Items with no container class.

  • Fixed an issue where the club members tab wasn't shown to club moderators.

  • Fixed an issue where Moderators could see inaccessible content titles in the IP Tools.

  • Renamed 'Facebook Pixel' to 'Meta Pixel'.

  • Removed an unnecessary </li> tag in the editorAttachmentsPlaceholder template.

  • Removed Guests must complete CAPTCHA setting - guests will always need to complete CAPTCHA if enabled.

  • Deprecated Sendgrid API support.


  • Fixed an issue where the ACP permission to manage venues wouldn't work.

  • Fixed an issue where the calendarEvent_rsvp webhook wasn't fired when somebody clicked on "Leave event" inside the RSVP box.


  • Fixed a minor mistake in the REST API Records endpoint documentation.


  • Fixed an issue where the converters ACP page could time out when connecting to the source database fails.

  • Changed the gallery image rebuild task to rebuild only 1 image per cycle.


  • Implemented support for permissions on Custom Fields.

  • Added custom fields to the Downloads API responses.


  • Fixed an issue where members trying to register would see a " Subscriptions are not available" error when subscriptions were disabled.

  • Fixed an issue where users had a link to reactivate the purchase but could not actually reactivate.

  • Fixed an issue where child purchases are marked as active when the parent purchase has expired.

  • Fixed an issue where Stripe was not receiving customer information for new members.


  • Fixed an issue where the unapproved posts icon is hard to see on hot topics in the topic listing.

  • Fixed an issue where 'popular now' badges won't be instantly removed when disabling the feature.


  • Fixed an issue where the ACP Overview Statistics showed the total comment count of all comments instead of for each database.

  • Fixed an issue where RecordFeed widgets could not be embedded outside of Pages.

  • Fixed a minor mistake in the REST API Records endpoint documentation.


  • Fixed a broken link on the analytics page.

  • Fixed an issue where unsupported image types would not be held/blocked according to Action to take if scan fails setting.

Changes affecting third-party developers and designers

  • Updated HTMLPurifier to 4.18.0.

  • Updated Whoops to 2.16.0.

User Feedback

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 пользователь

Wonderful work


Thank you so much!

   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 пользователь

Перепробовал кучу движков и могу точно сказать этот лучший!


Thank you so much! 🥰

   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 пользователь

Большое спасибо за оперативную доставку микропатчей. :)

   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 пользователь

As always, the best releases on IPB Mafia. Everything works as it should.

   0 of 1 member found this review helpful 0 / 1 пользователь

Thanks for your work

   2 of 3 members found this review helpful 2 / 3 пользователя

Respected спасибо.

   1 of 2 members found this review helpful 1 / 2 пользователя

Always best releases

   1 of 2 members found this review helpful 1 / 2 пользователя

Respect bro!

   1 of 2 members found this review helpful 1 / 2 пользователя

thankyou very much for this! ❤️ 

much love from america!

   6 of 10 members found this review helpful 6 / 10 пользователей

Massive respect, always fast release!

   5 of 9 members found this review helpful 5 / 9 пользователей

works amazingly as always, thanks guys 

   8 of 12 members found this review helpful 8 / 12 пользователей

that's fast! thank you so much for this. i love u @Respected 😁

   6 of 9 members found this review helpful 6 / 9 пользователей

Thanks for updating it with 4.6.12!!

   4 of 7 members found this review helpful 4 / 7 пользователей

Работает 4.6.8 , багов пока не нашел! Спасибо!

   14 of 19 members found this review helpful 14 / 19 пользователей

The best nulled releases comes from here. Thanks IPBmafia and @Respected!

   4 of 8 members found this review helpful 4 / 8 пользователей

Поставил данный форум для теста, в админке висит сообщение "Включены опасные функции php" Немного беспокоит конечно. А так форум вполне функционален, буду копаться дальше.

   25 of 31 members found this review helpful 25 / 31 пользователь

Всегда здесь качаю уже несколько лет, только этому сайту доверяю!


   3 of 5 members found this review helpful 3 / 5 пользователей


   2 of 4 members found this review helpful 2 / 4 пользователя

Спасибо за оперативность!  Скачал, установил - всё работает без проблем :)

   5 of 13 members found this review helpful 5 / 13 пользователей

В этой версии гости могут отвечать в темах и создавать их, хотя в разрешениях им это запрещено. Только у меня  такая беда?


Это не беда это фича такая у IPS новая

   2 of 4 members found this review helpful 2 / 4 пользователя

thank you work!

   2 of 4 members found this review helpful 2 / 4 пользователя

Great !! Waiting for 4.4.1 !!

   2 of 4 members found this review helpful 2 / 4 пользователя

Good :)